The Myth of Belonging

sheep-belonging-to-tenant I’m a fan of REVEAL, the initiative started by Willow Creek.  I think there findings concerning the reality of spiritual growth in the church are significant, and point to an issue that I have been harping preaching about for years.

The sources of the problem are largely the result of the descent of managerialism on the church. However, that is an issue for another post.

One of the five “key findings” of REVEAL is that there is not necessarily a correlation between commitment and church attendance, or community. This is what REVEAL reports:

We found that those who were the most active in the church did not necessarily report higher levels of spiritual attitudes (“love for God and others”) and spiritual behaviors (evangelism, tithing, etc.) than those who were less active.
This led us to discovering a Spiritual Continuum centered on a relationship with Jesus Christ, which was much more predictive of spiritual growth (Chart 3).



What I find interesting is that I missed the conversation going on in other quarters. I have a book I purchased a few years ago, long before REVEAL hit the stands, written by Joseph R. Myers, The Search to Belong.

In a chapter entitled “the myths of belonging (p9),” Myer writes:

More commitment = more belonging. People often believe that there is a significant relationship between commitment and community. That is, however, a romantic view. When we search to belong, we aren’t really looking for commitment. We simply want to connect (p12).

I’m not saying that Willow Creek borrowed the idea, quite the contrary. When an organization as large as Willow Creek  picks up on an issue that has been surfacing throughout the church,to say we are sensing a moving of the Spirit is a bit of an understatement.

This sentiment is found in Rick Richardson’s writings, such as Evangelism Outside the Box, and in the the halls of the emerging church.

So, what’s next? That is the question that faces my colleagues and I in France. I’ll get back to you.